Water For Flathead's Future | Great news – We won in court again! The Initiative stands. Judge Allison’s decision is attached.

Great news – We won in court again! The Initiative stands. Judge Allison’s decision is attached.

Great news – We won in court again! The Initiative stands. Judge Allison’s decision is attached.

Next and final hearing in District Court is our complaint against the County that MAWC is not grandfathered in. Thanks to all of you for your contributions to this incredible effort!

Good news to everyone:  A VERY good decision from Judge Allison, denying MAWC’s motions across the board.  Yay!  And thanks, Jon, for the deep dive into the constitutional right of citizen initiative which the Judge clearly picked up on. The most telling part of the decision:  “In other words, if the people want land use planning in the face of elected officials congenitally opposed to it, they may have it through the initiative.”  There are many other gems in there — the last sentence of the decision being one — but I’ll leave it for your reading pleasure.

Order re Summary Judgment_MAWC MPSJ Denied