Judge Seeley Rules in Favor of WFF.
A few hours ago Water for Flathead’s Future received word from our attorneys that Judge Seeley of the Montana District Court has ruled in favor of Water for Flatheads Future and nullified the water permit that the DNRC granted Montana Artesian Water Company. You can download the ruling here. This means that MAWC no longer has the right to pump water from the Flathead Valley aquifers with the well that they drilled for that purpose.
The ruling was a ‘narrow’ ruling, in that the court only ruled on 1 of the 5 areas of objection that we brought before it. The narrowness of the ruling plays in our favor, however, because it limits the possibility of being overturned on a technicality.
We have not read the ruling in its entirety with our attorneys but we expect to do so early next week. At that time we will have a better sense of where things stand. However, we expect this will have a positive affect on the situation as it pertains to the Egan Slough Zoning Initiative and their case before the court.
And finally, we want to thank every one of you who have stayed steady and true through these difficult times. Your support has meant everything to us and we could not have withstood the tribulations without your emotional and financial support. This victory, though it comes through a case brought by WFF, is a victory you have won, and you have deserved all along. We are extraordinarily grateful to your help, the court’s understanding, and the tireless exertions of our attorneys who have never wavered in their belief.
Congratulations to you all!
— The whole of Water for Flathead’s Future’s Board.
PS — We hope to get an update to you in the very near future as we discuss this ruling and other outstanding legal issues with our attorneys. |