05 Feb Thank you to those who attended the Egan Slough Zoning District Commission Meeting
A big shout out of thanks to those who sent in emails and to those who braved frigid weather to support the citizen members being elected to the Egan Slough Zoning District.
We had a strong show of support at the hearing which aided in getting one of the citizen members elected as Chairman. This was a great success! County Commissioner Phil Mitchell was the only Commissioner who did not vote for citizen member John Waller to be Chairman, in clear disregard for the public’s wishes. When it came time to elect the vice-chairman, all three Commissioners ignored the public’s many letters and comments and banded together to elected Pam Holmquist as the Vice-Chair of the Egan Slough Zoning Commission.
If you were not able to attend and would like to listen in on the meeting, here is the link (at 54:21 the Egan Slough Zoning District meeting began.)
Again, thank you to all those who commented during the meeting, as well as all of you that wrote your comments to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.
Your continued support is so appreciated and is crucial to getting the county to hear all of us once and for all.