Water For Flathead's Future | Helena Hearing on the DNRC ruling Nov 20, 2018

Helena Hearing on the DNRC ruling Nov 20, 2018

Helena Hearing on the DNRC ruling Nov 20, 2018

The hearing will be in Judge Seeley’s courtroom on the 2nd Floor District Courthouse, 228 Broadway – Room C,  Helena Montana.

It will begin at 11 a.m.  There will be a break for lunch and then the rest of the afternoon will be devoted to our case. We should conclude no later than 5 pm.

Flathead Lakers will be presenting during this same time.

(A number of people are driving down and others are looking for rides. Please contact the WFF board or info@waterforflatheadsfuture.org  or steve@waterforflatheadsfuture.org so we can co-ordinate.)