19 Sep Call to action!
CALL TO ACTION THIS TUESDAY SEPT. 25 AT 9 A.M: We are going to court over the County Commissioners’ disregard for the successful passage of Egan Slough Initiative 17-01 and we need your support at the hearing.
Please attend the District Court hearing this Tuesday Sept. 25 at 9:00 a.m at the Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, third floor. (look at bulletin board for Judge Allison’s court room)
Yes! For Flathead Farms and Water and Egan Slough Community have filed a legal complaint against the County Commissioners over their lack of enforcement of the Egan Slough Zoning Regulations. On June 5, 70% of Flathead County Voters voted for Initiative 17-01 to add property to the Egan Slough Zoning District.
It is now more than 3 months later, and the County Commissioners have not yet enforced the zoning regulations and have enabled the bottling plant to start operating after the regulations were legally established. We say no way!
The County has the legal duty to stop the bottling plant from operating in violation of the zoning regulations.
Please sit on Yes! For Flathead Farms and Water’s side of the court room. Let’s have a huge showing at the hearing! and lets wear blue! A reminder from our attorneys to always be quiet during the hearing.
Thank you for continuing to help Yes! For Flathead Farms and Water protect our water from the bottling plant. Hope to see you there!