Water For Flathead's Future | Call to Action!

Call to Action!

Call to Action!

Call to Action!


Yes for Flathead’s Farms and Water needs volunteers today and tomorrow (June 4 and June 5) to call voters and remind them to vote FOR the Egan Slough Initiative 17-01 at the Northridge Lutheran Church in Kalispell from 12pm to 8pm Monday June 4, and Tuesday June 5 from 9 am – 7:30 pm.


If you can spare an hour or two to help out, we could really use some more volunteers to help make phone calls.


Bring a laptop or tablet, and a cell phone and we’ll show you how.

Sign up using the link below or just come by during those times. Snacks provided.


Thank you and please remind your friends and family to vote FOR 17-01 on June 5 to protect our water from the bottling plant!

